Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°2 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°3 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°4 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°5 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°6 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°7 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°8 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°9 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°10 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°11 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°12 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°13 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or writtenphoto n°14 : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or written

Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or written
- Auteur: Collectif
- Année d'édition: 1864

350.00 €
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Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or written

1 cahier format in-8 reliure demi-chagrin bordeaux, plats estampé à froid, toutes tranches dorées, circa 1864, 60 feuillets manuscrits. Rappel du titre complet : Liber amicorum and Collection of poems copied in Flemish, English, French and German. With poems copied on various authors (Petrus Augustus de Génestet, Victor Hugo, Jacob Cats, Béranger, Lamartine, Countess of Blessington, etc.) or written by : DP Kool Mirandolle (18 maart 1864) - zuster Regina - De Bissy de Mauregnault - Tante P. H. Mirandolle - Oncle R. Le Boulenger - Charlotte Le Boulenger - A.F. de Mauregnault, à Eilbracht - Jos. Eilbracht, 'SGravenhage - van der Noordaa - J. H. C. de Ridder Rappard - Dr. E. Laurillard - etc.

Commentaire : Recueil provenant de la succession du Professeur Bousquet, d'origine franco-hollandaise. Etat satisfaisant (un feuillet débroché, reliure frottée avec accrocs et petits manques). Provient de la bibliothèque du professeur Georges-H. Bousquet (Docteur en droit en 1923 avec une thèse sur 'L'évolution sociale en Hollande 1914-1922'), économiste de l'école de Pareto et Schumpeter, mais également islamisant de l'école de Goldziher et Snouck-Hugronje, professeur aux facultés d'Alger puis de Bordeaux

Le Journal du Dimanche , Littérature - Histoire - Voyages - Musique , Année 1878 ( du n° 1703 du 6 janvier 1878 au n° 1754 du 29 décembre 1878 ) [ Contient notamment : Les mémoires d'un assassin (L. Ulbach) ; Le prix du Théâtre complet de Emile Augier (7 Tomes - Complet) [ On joint : ] Oeuvres diverses
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